Category Archives: Mars Attacks

Mars Attacks!


Only director Burton could make a movie based on a series of 1960s trading cards. Intentionally tacky, this huge scale epic spoof of monster, sci-fi, and disaster flicks finds moronic President Dale (Nicholson), his frigid wife (Close) and a cast of thousands battling the green-skinned invaders. Jack’s back for a second role as Vegas hotel developer Art Land, who tries to cash in on the opportunities the invasion brings. Plot is relatively nonexistent and zig-zags wildly throughout, but the gist is that the aliens are bent on destroying the population, and have little trouble battling the bumbling humans. Brosnan is the hilariously deluded alien-hugger, Professor Kessler. A semi-lampoon of fellow alien flick competitor “Independence Day,” this film goes all out for the camp laugh, but its big budget effects, way over-the-top style and all-star cast can’t conquer the audience.

Director: Tim Burton
Cast: Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Danny DeVito, Martin Short, Pierce Brosnan, Sarah Jessica Parker, Michael J. Fox, Natalie Portman

Mars Attacks! Incinerated Red Human Skeleton


This item is a skeleton of an incinerated human used in the 1996 Tim Burton Sci-fi camp comedy Mars Attacks! Skeletons such as this can be seen throughout the film as Martians come to Earth, under the guise of peaceful contact, before attempting to conquer the entire planet by incinerating and enslaving the human race with ray guns! The red skeleton is made of resin and features a metal wire interior support structure. The skeleton, which extends all the way to the toes, includes a full set of ribs, spine, pelvis, both arms and legs. The skull is not included and the legs as well as the left forearm have become separated from the body. The skeleton has been painted black then with red paint to highlight the effect of being shot by the Martian’s ray gun. The skeleton has been production distressed; measures approximately 56″ x 17″ (142cm x 43cm)

Mars Attacks! Incinerated Green Human Skeleton


This item is a skeleton of an incinerated human used in the 1996 Tim Burton Sci-fi camp comedy Mars Attacks!. Skeletons such as this can be seen throughout the film as Martians come to Earth under the guise of peaceful contact before attempting to conquer the entire planet by incinerating and enslaving the human race with ray guns! The green skeleton is made of resin and features a metal wire interior support structure. The skeleton, which extends all the way to the pelvis, includes a skull with the bottom jaw no longer present, a full set of ribs, and the left arm which is bent at the elbow. The skeleton has been painted black then with neon green paint to highlight the effect of being shot by the Martian’s ray gun. The skeleton has been production distressed and has three fingers on the left hand and does not include a right arm; it measures 36″ x 14″

Where to Buy: aStore